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"Nice" Stories from Orchid Lovers!

December 9, 2010

Each week we have been posting a new "nice" topic for an extra chance for our loyal fans to win 2 free phalaenopsis orchids and the response has been overwhelming! We love hearing all the gracious and inspirational stories and in the holiday spirit, want to share a few! Stay tuned early next week for our next "nice" story topic and another chance for you to win!

This week's topic was "Sometimes it’s the simplest things that make your day! What are some nice gestures that don’t take a lot of effort, but go a long way?"

"My orchids brighten my day when I walk into my office everyday. They cheer up my patients and I always get the same comment....How can something so beautiful be real? I love more than any plant that I have!" 
-Peggy F.

"I was so excited to be able to help an almost blind person fix his computer so he could use Skype to talk to his daughter 4000 miles away......what a great feeling. He was in tears and so thankful. It made my whole life actually."
-Nancy S.

"I love offering to help people load groceries into their car. Most grocery stores don't offer that service anymore so I like too. Just to see the puzzled, then grateful smiles on the peoples faces brighten my day, just like a beautiful Orchids from Just-Add-Ice!"
-Julie K.

"I try to add nice by randomly surprising people. Paying for the coffee for the stranger in front of me, bringing in ice cream treats at work on a super warm summer day, bringing a smoothie or coffee to my daughter's teacher when we come for parent/teacher conferences. There are so many little things you can do to pay it forward."

"Just this morning, 'Just Add Ice' orchids came into my town again. I got to the store early for a good selection, but lots of other people did as well. I ended up chatting and trading off different colors with customers, and in the end we both left as very happy consumers, sure made my day!!!!!!!!!"
-Betty A.