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Survey Draws Overwhelmingly Positive Response from Orchid Owners

April 30, 2012

When we asked Just Add Ice Orchid owners to rate their satisfaction with their orchid purchase, we were pleased to receive an overwhelmingly positive response. But we were blown away by just how much our orchid owners love the beautiful Phalaenopsis orchids. Our recent 2012 Consumer Survey found that not only did 86% of Just Add Ice Orchid owners rate their experience as “excellent” or “good,” but the majority of people who had purchased Just Add Ice Orchids or who had received them as a gift said they would be likely to purchase more.

Fan Mail

We frequently get letters from people who received their first Just Add Ice Orchid as a gift and have become fans of our easy-care orchids like Shelley G. who wrote:

“I've been into gardening for a long time—indoor plants; have always loved orchids but was afraid I'd kill them with kindness. Since JAI has come, it's like a light-bulb moment for me. I'm having fun and being successful with my orchids. I can never imagine my life or home without greenery in my life.”

Gloria B. echoed the view of many first time owners when she wrote, “I thought it was complicated growing orchids. Just Add Ice Orchids makes it simple and easy. Thank you!"

You’re welcome, Gloria. Just Add Ice Orchids are bred to be hardy and thrive with little care. Just water your orchid with 3 ice cubes once a week, give your orchid plenty of indirect light, keep it out of drafts and fertilize it once a month during its dormant stage and you could share the experience of CSF who sent us this message:

“Just a note -- my JAIO plant is 2 years old and is blooming for the 3rd time -- 9 blossoms!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!"

Let us know what you think about your orchids in the comments below.