Your college student may be moving away for the first time this year and settling into their dorm room or apartment. Although classes and extracurricular activities fill a majority of their time and brain capacity, they’ll also drift off and think about how much they miss home.
These care package ideas are the perfect way to send them some cheer and remind them you're thinking of them and their safety.
(Source: Homesick Candle)
Do you have an out-of-state college student? Give them the smell of home! Homesick candles come in a variety of scents that showcase the smells each state is known for. These candles give your homesick college kid the aroma of home every time they light it.
Considering most college students survive on caffeinated beverages to get through the lull of studying for hours into the night, adding a Starbucks gift card to your care package will be an appreciated bonus.
To go along with the Starbucks gift cards, send them a reusable travel mug for their coffee or latte of choice. That way their coffee stays warm while they study, and they’re saving the planet one mug at a time.
(Source: Bunny James Box)
Healthy snacks are a must to get through studying for long hours at a time. Give your students a box of snacks perfectly fit for their dietary needs. The boxes from Bunny James come with a variety of options like keto, paleo, vegan, and fitness. Want to send one every month? Check out their subscription box so your child can snack smart all school year!
If you send it, they will clean, right? Pack a refill of sanitization wipes and hand sanitizer to help them do their part in slowing the spread of COVID-19. You could even send a refillable soap dispenser and a few seasonal soaps to keep their options fresh.
Let’s face it: College kids probably don’t do laundry as often as you do it at home. Help keep them healthy with a bundle of new face masks so they have some between washings. You can find multipacks at Old Navy, Amazon, Target and more.
(Source: Just Add Ice)
What better way to wish your college student good luck on the upcoming semester than getting them a money tree plant? Money tree plants represent good fortune and are said to bring luck to their owners.
(Source: Amazon)
Alexa, put the Echo Dot on the list of best care package ideas for college students! The Echo Dot is a great gift because it can help set reminders for project due dates, help with simple math, and set the study session tone by playing relaxing music.
(Source: Amazon)
Light up your student’s life by adding these colorful remote controlled lights to your care package list. With a variety of settings, your child can change the ambiance of their dorm room with the touch of a button.
(Source: The Giving Keys)
Giving Keys always make special gifts because when you purchase one, you are helping end homelessness. These key necklaces are made by people who have fallen into hard times in the Los Angeles, California area and have received a job at the GK headquarters.
Each key has a message meant to encourage the person wearing it. Remind your student to chase after their big dreams with a Giving Key necklace. Once they have fulfilled their years at school, they can pass it on to participate in the Giving Keys “pay it forward” message.
Help your college student stay organized all semester by purchasing them a monthly calendar to jot down paper due dates, exam days, and extracurricular events and activities. Writing down assignments gives your student the satisfaction of crossing it off their to-do list.
(Source: Just Add Ice)
Known for being very low-maintenance, orchids are a perfect addition to brighten any drab dorm room. Your student will look at their blossoming orchid and think of home. With a variety of colors and styles, you can pick the perfect orchid plant for your away-from-home college student. Plus, they help purify the air! Bonus!
The feeling of your child growing up and leaving the nest is always bittersweet. Show you are proud of them by filling a care package full of items that will remind them of their home and family. Not only are these great to send in your child’s college care package, but they also make great birthday gifts as well.
Copyright Just Add Ice® Orchids 2023