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Five Plant Trends Coming in 2019

January 9, 2019


With most of us spending the majority of our time inside, indoor plants have become more popular than ever.

Thirty percent of households purchased at least one houseplant last year, according to the National Garden Association. Adding plants to your home can bring the outdoors in and add an earthy vibe to your space. They can also be a great conversation piece.

Here are five plant trends you should incorporate into your home or apartment this year.


2019 Plant Trends

1. Succulents

succulents-0424Pinterest searches for indoor plants are up 90 percent compared to previous years, according to the Garden Media 2019 Plant Trends Report.

Succulents are among the most frequently-search terms.

Succulent plants like aloe, jade and the echeveria plant thrive with minimal care and take up little space, making them ideal for apartments and smaller spaces.

2. Tropical Plants

Orchid occasions_watercolor christmas

Tropical plants are another popular choice, a plant trend that's expected to be big in 2019 and beyond, according to the report. 

Add an electric blue watercolor orchid to your side table for a bright pop of color, or a classic yellow orchid for a more subtle hint of color.

3. Mint Green Plants 

Plant-Trends-Blue-Star-FernMint is "the new neutral," according to the Garden Trends Report. 

This color emphasizes freshness, harmony and a move toward more gender-neutral decor.

You can apply it to broader plant trends like the growing popularity of succulents, low maintenance plants and air purifying plants

Look for succulents and foliage plants in soft green shades, such as the Blue Star Fern or Ripple Jade. 

4. Personal Urban Jungles

Personal urban jungles are taking the world of Instagram by storm as people share their own plant sanctuaries. Want to get in on this plant trend?

Here are a few tips for creating your own urban jungle:

  • Add creative shelving. If you have limited space, think vertically by adding hanging ladders or wall planters.
  • Look for low-maintenance plants that don’t require a lot of watering or care.
  • Choose a variety of plants, including large foliage plants that make a statement and smaller succulents.

5. Plants As Art


The opening speaker at the Tropical Plant International Expo calls it "fantasea"—and it's taking the plant and design world by storm. 

It's blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, using fluid shapes, flowing patterns and irregular surfaces, according to the December issue of Super Floral Magazine.

And it's translating into plant trends that are playful and flowing, like the Fluffy Ruffles Fern and Curly Spider Plant. 

The main theme is to find houseplants that are unique and fun! 

Now that you’re aware of these five growing plant trends, it’s time to get working on your personal plant collection. Take the time to discover what plants are right for you and your space.

We hope these trends got you thinking about what plants you can add to your decor.

Find your favorite—shop our collection today!

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