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When Should You Repot Your Phalaenopsis Amabilis Hybrid?

May 23, 2012

Repotting your beautiful Phalaenopsis amabilis hybrid is inevitable at some point in its life, but as a general rule of thumb, every 12 to 18 months works well. The best tip for you to remember is timing; this is essential to keeping your orchid happy and healthy.

Check Medium for Signs

A good indication as to the right time to repot your orchid is when the potting mix (such as sphagnum moss or bark mix) breaks down or decomposes. This breakdown is largely due to frequent and essential watering of your plant. You will know when the medium (such as the usual bark mix) has decomposed, as it will retain water and be slow to drain. When this happens, the medium becomes too wet for your orchid’s tender roots. The perfect time to repot is just before the bark mix reaches this water-retaining stage.

Other Signs of Good Timing

Additionally, you should always remember that your Phalaenopsis orchids will need repotting when they have outgrown their pots or containers. When you see a profusion of roots hanging over the pot’s edge, it’s time to shop for a larger container.

If possible, try to repot your orchid when the temperature is relatively mild.  The roots will need to be exposed during repotting so cool temperatures need to be avoided. The months of February or September are generally considered to be the safest times for repotting, as it is important to prevent shocking your plant and its root system. For help repotting, checkout our step-by-step tips here.