Similar to humans, animals, trees, and some plant species, Phalaenopsis orchids can undergo stressful times when they become overheated. It is important for Phalaenopsis orchid owners to be able to recognize the signs of orchid distress as soon as possible so that the ensuing plant can be helped prior to the orchid being permanently damaged beyond repair.
Phalaenopsis orchids are a more sensitive type of orchid breed. When the plants are subjected to excessive heat, the moisture that is contained in the plants tissues will evaporate which causes an imbalance called “transpiration.” Phalaenopsis orchids require that moisture be replaced in order to avoid dehydration.
In an attempt to save a wilted, dehydrated Phalaenopsis orchid, some people tend to overwater the failing orchid plant. Overwatering the orchid is not the way to rehydration and, instead, often causes the orchid to experience rotting within the plants root system. The best way to help a faltering Phalaenopsis orchid recover from dehydration is to be mindful of the heat that the plant was exposed to. Changing its location is a good idea so that it is not exposed to quite as much heat. Additionally, Phalaenopsis orchids may require more watering when temperatures are on the upswing.
Keeping a close eye on your beautiful Phalaenopsis orchid will help you catch any problems that arise early.
Copyright Just Add Ice® Orchids 2023