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Steps to Repot Phalaenopsis Orchid, Part 2 Of 2

July 26, 2013

hands repotting orchidIn our previous post, we discussed why it is necessary to repot your orchid and when you should do so. The first step in repotting your Phalaenopsis orchid is to trim the spikes.

Here, we continue our discussion of the next steps to take to repot your orchid.

Remove the Orchid from its Old Container

Many Phalaenopsis orchids are planted in a plastic container and can be easily removed from the container. Some orchids, however, may be more stubborn to remove as the root system may be attached to the container. It is important to maintain the integrity of the roots by carefully and slowly removing the plant. Either way, once the roots are exposed, all media that is attached to the roots must be removed as it will be discarded.

Trim the Dying Roots

Using clean scissors, carefully trim away any brown or soft roots as these roots are dying or already dead. Many people believe that it is beneficial to sprinkle ground cinnamon on any root that is cut to ward off any infection that might occur. Cinnamon has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, which are beneficial when repotting orchids. Healthy looking roots will be firm, green, or white in color.

Place the Orchid in a New Container

After the orchid roots are trimmed away, you may find that you will be able to use the same size container or you may need a larger container for the orchid. The goal is to have the base of the plant placed approximately a half of an inch below the rim of the container.

Add New Media

Never reuse old media when repotting Phalaenopsis orchids. Once the orchid is in place in the container, carefully add the new media around the entire plant. Press the new media down lightly and tap the pot to help the media settle into place. Fill pot until the media has reached the bottom of the lowest leaf.

To get a better visual, check out our Orchid Care Video on repotting here.

            Orchid Root Health Guide