You’ve admired the look of orchids for months, almost every time you go to the store. Well, today’s the day you finally decided to buy one. But as you approach the display, you realize you’re not entirely sure what the best or healthiest orchid looks like. Owning a Just Add Ice Orchid should be an experience you treasure from the first moment you bring your plant home. Today’s post will give you five tips to help you select the best orchid from the store.
The roots are a visible indicator of the health of an orchid. As such, they should be the first thing you check. Healthy roots are plump to the touch and white or green in color, while brown, mushy roots show overwatering. Don’t be afraid to remove the grower pot from the decorative pot to get a better look at an orchid’s roots. You want to bring home the plant that is in a healthy condition in the store, that way you can continue its care at home.
Yellow leaves may show an orchid in distress. If an orchid’s top leaves are a bright, vibrant green, but its bottom leaf is yellowing, this is normal. Over time, mature leaves die off so newer leaves can take their place. However, if all or most of the leaves are yellowing, the plant is likely dehydrated or is being overwatered. Yellow spots can also mean an insect infestation, so check the top and underside of the leaves for webs or white bumps left behind by mealy bugs and spider mites.
For more information on what an orchid’s leaves are telling you, check out this guide.
Ideally, you would look for flowers bursting with beautiful blooms. The flowers should be healthy-looking and firmly attached to the spike. Take a couple of extra minutes to try to find one with extra buds growing on it. If you take home an orchid will all the blooms already open, you won’t get as longevity out of your plant. If you bring home a plant that has some closed blooms, waiting to flower, you can enjoy the bloom period even longer!
One of the most important requirements for a healthy orchid is the strength of its spikes. A stem must stand tall and be able to hold up the weight of an orchid’s blooms. (Depending on the number of flowers produced, they can be quite heavy). If you notice a plant’s stem buckling under the weight of the flowers, this is a sign of a weak stem.
How do you decide if milk is still safe to drink? You do a sniff test! You can apply this same method to an orchid. Bring the plant close to your nose and inhale. If you notice any foul smells, this is a sign that the plant is rotting. Orchids, unlike other flowers at the store, don’t have much of a floral smell, so you are just sniffing to ensure there are no foreign smells.
With these tips, you’ll be sure to select the best possible orchid from the store. After your purchase, be sure to check out our helpful orchid care guides to keep your plant healthy for years to come!
Copyright Just Add Ice® Orchids 2023