Plant Care Blog

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Orchids are Flowers that Inspire, Especially in Bloom

If you are looking for a reason to keep orchids in your home or office, we'd like to offer you the words of inspiring author Eckhart Tolle, from his book A New Earth.

How-to Preserve Your Memories with an Orchid Corsage

A symbol of eternal love and respect, stunning Just Add Ice Orchids flowers are a favorite choice for elegant, special-occasion floral corsages and bouquets. Their delicate beauty, wonderful color variety and...

Fragrant Orchids

The American Orchid Society, in their review of a book called Fragrant Orchids tells us that "orchids were first cultivated for their fragrance. Two centuries ago or earlier, in both China and Japan, pots of oriental...

Orchids and Onions: Orchid Flower Science

Have you heard the phrase "orchids and onions?" It seems to be a way of classifying the good and the bad. For orchid fans like us, it is fairly obvious that saying something is an orchid is a *good* thing--beautiful,...