Plant Care Blog

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Why Orchids Are More Sustainable Than Fresh Flowers

If you’ve ever received a bouquet of fresh flowers, you know as beautiful as they may look when you first put them into the vase, they end up in the trash all too soon. Fortunately, there’s an alternative that’s just as...

Orchids in the Office Promote Creativity

As any successful business owner will tell you, a happy, productive workforce is the key to business success. Worker satisfaction pays huge dividends in increased productivity, more pleasant work environment, more...

Orchids in Academia

At Michigan State University in the suburb of East Lansing, you can find an impressive orchid collection, along with a lot of orchid knowledge.

Orchid Dreams Do Come True

The $2.1 million orchid conservatory at Old Dominion University was the lifelong goal of the late Arthur Kaplan, a physician and avid orchid collector who also raised money for the facility in Norfolk, Virginia.