One of the things that has made Just Add Ice Orchids so popular with Americans is our easy-to-remember watering routine. Like our name says, we recommend that our orchid owners just add ice to each orchid pot once a...
Most college dorms are fairly generic. White walls, bare windows and wood-frame furniture dominate in a decorative style that can only be called depressingly Spartan. But there’s no need to despair. You can turn that...
If you’re a long-time Just Add Ice Orchid owner, you’re probably already familiar with the helpful Orchid Care Videos on our website; but did you know that you can also find Just Add Ice Orchid videos on YouTube? Our ...
Jonathan Bennett, executive chef of Cleveland’s trendy Moxie and Red the Steakhouse restaurant, calls Just Add Ice Orchids one of his “favorite things.” An avid home remodeler, the popular chef recently took Cleveland...
After the long, dreary winter, friends and neighbors are now gathering under the soft glow of Tiki torches to catch up on the news while nibbling on delectable grilled goodies. Barbecues, luaus, pool parties, clam...
The metamorphosis creeps up slowly enough, but the jarring difference in appearance is still startling. One day your Just Add Ice Orchid is sporting huge, colorful blooms of breathtaking beauty; the next all that’s...
An orchid is an orchid, right? Wrong. When you admire the stunning display of Phalaenopsis Orchids at your local grocery or garden center, it pays to take a look at the tag and make sure it’s a Just Add Ice Orchid...
There’s no substitute for hands-on experience when it comes to learning something new – and that includes learning how to care for your Just Add Ice Orchids. People who have never owned an phalaenopsis orchid or even a...