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How to Keep Your Plants Happy While You’re on Vacation

How to Keep Your Plants Happy While You’re on Vacation If you have the travel itch, you’re not alone: Travel agents are seeing increased bookings, with people exploring cities, booking cruises and relaxing at resorts....

How Do Dyed Orchids Get Their Color?

With their vivid colors, dyed orchids are intriguing and attention-grabbing. They complement any decor and are ideal for any occasion, whether you want to send cheer, celebrate a holiday or express sympathy. If...

Can Hydrogen Peroxide Cure Orchid Root Rot?

Our plant care team is dedicated to uncovering and providing credible information founded on research. As such, we’ve decided to start breaking down common home remedies to discover if they are safe and effective for...

3 Orchid Root Home Remedies to Skip

There is no shortage of home remedies for orchid care on the internet, but not all remedies are actual remedies and some may even harm your orchid’s roots. Here are three orchid root care home remedies to skip.

What Causes Orchids to Lose Their Buds?

One of the joys of owning Just Add Ice Orchids is their long blooming period. Phalaenopsis orchids are a particularly hardy member of the orchid family, and with proper care often bloom for as long as three months! But...

The Man Behind the Orchids: Meet Marcel Boonekamp

Marcel Boonekamp literally grew up in a greenhouse. In a small town outside of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, he watched his parents tend and build a tomato-growing business. It was there that his love of horticulture...

What Are These Orchid Pests? (Part 2)

In our previous post, we discussed how scale insects and aphids could devastate your Phalaenopsis orchid and we shared ways to control them. In this post, we continue to cover other orchid pests that could cause harm to...

What Are These Orchid Pests? (Part 1)

Let’s face it: Bugs will find your orchid, but they don’t have to be the flower’s demise! Once orchid bugs infest the plant, aggressive measures need to be taken to save your orchid collection and even other plants...