Plant Care Blog

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To Rescue or Cut Broken Orchid Leaves and Stems?

You brought home a beautiful orchid plant, only to drop something on it while cleaning. Or perhaps your playful dog knocked over the entire pot, resulting in broken leaves and stems. Does it have one root in the orchid...

Cinnamon Use on Orchids

Cinnamon’s sweet, warm scent may evoke visions of freshly-baked rolls or apple cider, but did you know it has medicinal value for plants (and people)? There are several trees in the genus Cinnamomum that are used to...

How Orchid Leaves Can Predict Your Plant’s Future

If you've ever wished for a crystal ball, you might already have one, at least where your orchid's health is concerned. An orchid’s leaves can indicate whether your orchid care routine is on the right track or headed in...

Why Are My Indoor Plant's Leaves Turning Brown?

Our plant friends brighten our spaces and uplift our moods, so there’s always a twinge of guilt or sadness when their leaves turn brown. Confusion sets in, leaving us to wonder what we did wrong.

When Do Orchids Rebloom? (And Other Common Reblooming Questions)

Your orchid has dropped its blooms, and although you’ve worked hard to keep your plant healthy and strong, you worry that those beautiful blooms will never come back. Well, we've got some good news: Your orchid may...

Why Are My Orchid Leaves Turning Yellow?

Your orchid was thriving, but now it's looking a bit ill. "Why are my orchid leaves turning yellow?" you ask. Great question! The first step in Phalaenopsis orchid plant care is paying attention to the roots, leaves...

Orchid Care for Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

Ok, bloomers! So, you just brought home your first orchid and, like any new parent, you’re both excited and scared about caring for this new little life.

When Should I Repot My Just Add Ice Orchid?

Ok, horticulture enthusiasts! We know some of you love technical details, so we're going to do a deeper dive into orchid repotting. Big picture: Just Add Ice Orchids generally need to be repotted every 1 to 3 years,...