Plant Care Blog

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How to Care for Your Bromeliad

You brought home a beautiful, bright bromeliad and you want to make sure it stays beautiful for a long time in your home. While they are typically a plant with simple care, there are a few tricks to having success.

5 Resolutions to Make This Year

It’s a new year, so does the new you include new habits? New decorations? New plants? The start of a fresh new year is the perfect time to freshen up your home and your habits. Use the advantage of a clean slate to...

Do Bromeliads Rebloom?

Bromeliads are many things — beautiful, exotic, easy to care for, versatile and varied. But one thing that bromeliads aren’t? Eager to rebloom. However, the answer to the question of whether bromeliads rebloom isn’t...

3 Ways to Showcase Your Bromeliad In Your Fall Home Decor

You love your bromeliad. It’s beautiful, it’s easy to care for and has long-lasting blooms. However, maybe lately you’ve noticed your bromeliad doesn’t stand out quite as well as you’d like. In the décor of your home,...

What Bromeliad Types Should You Buy?

From the variety of colors, to the versatile growing styles, to even an edible variety (the pineapple!), each of the bromeliad types have something special to offer. When asked to describe bromeliads in three words, the...

Caring for Your Bromeliad This Spring

We’ve already established that it’s always bromeliad season. Although bromeliads thrive year-round, there are still a few specific care habits you’ll want to embrace to ensure your plant thrives throughout the season. ...

8 Beautiful Pictures of Bromeliads to Inspire You

Bromeliads are some of the most widespread tropical plants. With more than 2,700 varieties, there’s no shortage of beautiful bromeliad pictures out there. We rounded up a few of our favorites to showcase this unique...

8 Interesting Facts About Bromeliads

If you aren’t familiar with bromeliads, you’re in for a real treat. These inexpensive and easy-to-grow plants are actually quite fascinating. To see what we mean, check out this list of eight interesting facts about...