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How to Care for an Orchid Plant That's Resting

When an orchid has finished blooming, its blooms will wilt and fall off, making many orchid plant parents worry that their orchid has died. Don't panic! This is normal for orchids to do so before entering a resting...

After Orchid Flowers Fall

After enjoying your orchid's long-lasting bloom, the flowers are now fading and you're wondering what you did wrong. Nothing! They will bloom again, but in the meantime, you have a few options:

How to Get Your Orchid To Rebloom

If you own a Phalaenopsis orchid and all the blooms have fallen off, don’t panic! This does not mean your orchid is dead. You don’t need to ‘see’ anything happening for your orchid to still be growing and preparing to...

7 Reasons Your Orchid Didn't Rebloom

When properly cared for, your orchid plant will rebloom year after year. Has it been a minute since you got your orchid to bloom? There’s a good chance it’s in its dormant state, but if it’s been longer than six to nine...

Don’t Throw Out Your Orchid! It’s Not Dead!

When Just Add Ice Orchids stop blooming and enter a dormant state, many new Phalaenopsis orchid owners make the mistake of thinking their orchid has died and throw the plant away. Don’t! Your orchid is not dead! With a...

Insects Can Interfere with Orchid Reblooming

If you’ve been waiting patiently for your orchid to rebloom and have been diligent in providing your orchid with adequate light, water and fertilizer and nothing is happening, the problem could be insects. Insect pests...

How to Get an Orchid to Rebloom

When your orchid stops blooming and enters dormancy, don't worry, it is not dead. You can encourage your orchid to bloom again with just a little TLC. Phalaenopsis orchids rebloom on old spikes with a new stalk emerging...

Even More Common Reasons Your Phalaenopsis Orchid Isn’t Blooming

Caring for a resting orchid can be an exciting time. Though it isn’t displaying any vibrant blooms yet, the anticipation can be high. Any day now you could come down the stairs or turn the corner and notice a fresh new...